Historic Preservation,
Education, Patriotism
Picture Gallery Archive 2018-2019
December Christmas Decorating at the Christian Waldschmidt Homestead
New Member Installation March 17, 2018; Candi Gillespie, May 20 Tea at the Homestead: Debby Niehaus,
Stephanie Pinella, Vicki Pinella, Susan Boehm Hoffman, Wanda Langdon, Ohio State Regent Nancy
Tiffany Niehaus and Debby Niehaus. Schirm Wright and Tiffany Niehaus.
The 150th Anniversary of Memorial Day at Spring Grove Cemetery was May 28th with Wanda Langdon speaking as Ohio representative Auxillary of the Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War, the Sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry in reenactment. and placing of wreaths, the strewing of the rose petals on the flag marked graves of the many civil war soldiers buried here.
First Annual Entry - Fourth of July Parade
Members met for lunch and collected bags of school supplies for the Mt. Washington School Project to help with the needs of many children in the classsroom.
The 2018 CDRC Workshop, at the Sharonville United Methodist Church in July, was well attended by our Clough Valley Chapter members.
Wanda, Anne, Tiffany and Debby attended the OSDAR Fun Fair 2018 in Columbus. The fair is an opportunity to learn about the many state committees and talk to the state officers and committee leaders. This year's theme was saluting the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI and a ceremony honoring four veterans from the wars of: WWII, Korea, and Vietnam with presentation to each of a beautiful quilt made with chapter quilt squares. We were also serenaded with music from the WWI era at lunchtime by the Urbana Chapter DAR singers.
OSDAR Fun Fair 2018 Columbus, Ohio
Members gathered at the Schoolhouse Restaurant at Camp Dennison to bid farewell to member Teresa, who is moving and transferring membership to the Georgia DAR. We wish her well; but feel it is our loss and their gain.
The Clough Valley Chapter joined the Mariemont Chapter at the Parker's Blue Ash Pub for a luncheon meeting with table displays from each chapter highlighting events supporting education, historic preservation and patriotism. Our Ohio State Regent Nancy Schirm Wright installed two new members, and gave a talk about, "How Does Your Garden Grow." Clough Valley Regent Nancy Langdon and Mariemont Regent Sephanie Jensen also spoke about their chapters. Mary Lou awarded a beautiful quilt. Display of dolls and teddy bears for Salvation Army, bags for Fisher House, A Quilt of Valor, history of our patiriots and a gallery of pictures were displayed on our table.
Installation of new member Page Craig at October 20 meeting along with program on "Sharing Service and Love," and supporting the National Day of Giving by supporting our military men and women overseas with gifts.
Members packing toiletries, food and gifts in boxes at October 20 meeting to be sent overseas to our military families for the holidays. We packed 18 full boxes.
November 17, 2018, chapter meeting had one new member Kelly Baker welcomed to our chapter and the program,
"scrapbook of our patriot and their family." Virginian Micajah Moorman, a patriot who provided Public Service assistance during the American Revolution, was presented by mother and daughter members Tiffany and Debby.
December 15, 2018, chapter meeting had colonial dresses presented by ladies of the Sharon Woods Heritage Association with their program called, "Ladies Living History." Pictured are two of the presenters explaining the garments and undergarments of colonial times. A presentation of the certificate and 3rd place ribbon was given to Sue Wehmeyer for her crocheted doll dress made for her entry into the Doll Dresser for Salvation Army 2018. This award was given by the Salvation Army Toy Shop Auxillary of Greater Cincinnati.
New member Installation on Feb. 16, The Cincinnati Chapter of the SAR & The Clough Valley Chapter of the DAR 2019 Clough Valley Chapter Meeting Celebrate George Washington's Birthday on Sunday February 17, 2019 at for Molly Shaker Badr seen in center the School House Restaurant in Camp Dennison, OH. Program Speakers of pictures above. Kerry Langdon, Vice President of Cincinnati Chapter SAR & Wanda Langdon
Regent of Clough Valley Chapter DAR are pictured below.
The Clermont County Vietnam Veteran Commemorative event March 2, 2019 was incredible! The talk Gary Knepp gave about his new book “Beyond the Names” about Vietnam veterans of the area, was very good. Wanda spoke telling the veterans and families about the Clough Valley DAR and that as a Commemorative Partner, we wish to honor them for their service – something that did not happen when they came home from the war. Wanda had each veteran come forward and tell her their name and branch of service. She shook their hand, thanked them for their service, and handed out about 70 packets and pins to Vietnam Veterans. Wanda thanks Debby for being there and taking pictures!
Installation on March 16, 2019 and the program was the "White House China Through the Years" presented by Patsy J. Gaines former Regent of the Cincinnati Chapter, and former Ohio State Regent in the NSDAR.
Ruth Lyons, a pioneer in broadcasting, was awarded the NSDAR Women in American History Award by DAR Clough Valley Chapter March 23. at the Voice of America Museum with the award received by Ruth Lyon's niece Linda Hern. Program speakers included Mike Martini, Media Heritage and VOA Baord Member and George Zahn with WMKV about the "Life and Times of Ruth", along with Wanda and Tiffany presenting the NSDAR Certificate and Medal.
Ohio Society Daughters of the American Revolution 120th Ohio State Conference March 29-31 Columbus with Wanda in pioneer dress as the trustee of the Christian Waldschmidt home hosting luncheon, Tiffany, Ann and Wanda at presentation and Debby and Tiffany receiving their dip;omas for completing the NSDAR "All Star Academy's New Members Course.
On Sunday Tiffany Debby and Wanda attended the Cameo Breakfast and the Closing Meeting with installation of new OSDAR Officers and Board for 2019-2022. Pictured are Ohio Regent Nancy Schirm Wright and State Vice Regent Kathleen Gobin Dixon who will be installed in June at the Continental Congress in Washington DC as the new State Regent for the next three years.
On April 20, 2019 a recognition and presentation of the NSDAR certificate to members Sue Wehmeyer for "40 Years of Dedicated Service" and to Jean Morrison for "30 Years of Dedicated Service." Wanda also shared and displayed the Department of Defense Vietnam War Commemoration Recognition of Clough Valley Chapter as a Commemorative Partner. As a "Commemorative Partner", we will continue to recognize Vietnam War veterans with chapter activities this year.
On April 22, the Clough Valley Chapter Webmaster Debby received notification that the website had been given the designation and honor by the NSDAR as the February 2019 VIS Website of the Month. Criteria used in selection for the "Site of the Month" include: Content (informative and shows how the chapter/state serves its community in historic preservation, education and patriotism; Originality; Creativity; Public Appeal; Attractivnesss; Navigation; and Compliance with VIS guidelines. The special graphic to the right will now be displayed proudly on the pages of our Clough Valley website .
April 22 was the Christian Waldschmidt Homestead cleaning day in preparation for the upcoming summer Sunday tours of the home and civil war museum. Chapter members Wanda and Debby pictured above, along with local chapter members and state officers participated in the day of thorough cleaning, floor to ceiling of the homestead.
Clough Valley Chapter’s May 18th program was presented by our member Paige Craig who spoke on “Seeing Differently.” Paige was born with a genetic condition causing loss of sight at an early age. She helped us understand different ways a non-seeing person learns to do everyday tasks i.e. cooking, grocery shopping, transportation, travel, and computer searches and usage with the added special equipment. Paige’s service dog, Chase (a black Labrador) comes with her to meetings and was part of presentation
Clough Valley participated in a grave marking ceremony sponsored by the Cincinnati Chapter SAR in Morrow Ohio on April 23rd. Rev. War patriot Darby Shawhan was honored. Regent Wanda Langdon gave greetings and placed a wreath.
June 15th Mtg. Constance Chaney received Kathy Reed spoke on "Using DNA to Identify Wanda sharing 10 gifts the new board
her 50 Year NSDAR Member Certificate an Adoptee's Family." She shared personally can use to make their term easier and
from CV Regent , Wanda Langdon. helping others search also gained new relatives. fun prior to their installation.
Judy Crawford, Chaplain conducted New CV Officers and Board 2019-2022 L-R: Row 1 Wanda Landon, Regent; Row 2: Debby the installation of new Officers and Niehaus, Vice Regent; Anne Martz, Librarian; Row 3: Tiffany Niehaus, Treasurer; Thelma
Board Members for 2019-2022 term Clabbers, Chaplain; Tracy Coleman, Registrar; Row 4: Judy Curfiss, Historian; Judy Brown
for Clough Valley Chapter. Parlimentarian; Candi Gillespie, Corresponding Sec.; Stephanie Pinella, Recording Secretary
Celebration of Flag Day June 22, at the Georgetown Ohio Veteran's Home hosted by Clough Valley members Wanda. Debby and Anne , the Wil-A -Way DAR chapter from Hillsboro, Meridith, the President of the Ft Washington Society CAR and her DAR mother, and Lee the President of the Cincinnati SAR chapter whose members did the picnic burger and hot dog cooking on the grill. The Cincinnati Dulcimer group played a patriotic program during the lunch time. We spent time talking to the veterans at lunch, calling of bingo numbers during the afternoon, with the DAR ladies giving out prizes and helping veterans who needed some assistance in playing. We visited with Linda seen above with Wanda on left and Debby on right, who is one of two lady veterans who lives at the home. She served in the Coast Guard and had several interesting stories of her service to share. Wanda had beautiful "flag cakes" baked and all residents got to have a piece of one of four different US flag cakes.
Posting of Colors - the Nolan Carson Color Guard Cincinnati Chapter SAR
Cynthia was joined by members of the NC - SAR color guard.
Cynthia Perin Annett a descendant of Christian Waldschmidt was installed July 20th at the Homestead. The Waldschmidt story was told by Wanda Langdon-Clough Valley (CV) Regent, greetings from the Homestead Trustee and OSDAR Southwest Director - Dalene West, and Kerry Langdon 1st Vice President, CCSAR. Recognition of CV Waldschmidt descendants present, included Marguerite “Midge” Denker .
Clough Valley members/Waldschmidt descendant Kathy Niemer was recognized, along with her mother Lucille Fry who was unable to attend.
Cynthia told her descendants family history and ties to the homestead and shared old family portraits.
Wanda Landon, Clough Valley Regent did the installation ceremony with the assistance of Debby Niehaus, CV Vice Regent who presented a rose and the membership certificate.
OSDAR Fall Fun Fair, lunch, and state meeting at Columbus Airport Marriott on August 17, 2019 with over 300 Daughters in attendance. Opening with State Regent Kathy Dxon and Vice Regent Susan Leininger. Tiffany, attended from Clough Valley.
Debby at Fall Fun Fair Luncheon, Tiff with Nancy Schirm Wright, Past Ohio State Regent and current National Vice President General Darlene West the OSDAR Southwest District Director presented Tim Hopkins, the Brookville School Superintendent receiving gift card and checks totaling $6,000 to help in rebuilding schools severely damaged in the spring tornadoes. Tiffany and Debby took gift cards and donated. Beth Short from Ohio Attorney General Office spoke on "Doing Good the Right Way: Legal Obligation of Charitable Board Members"
Congratulations at September 2019 meeting to Anne for receiving 5 State and National DAR awards for her service as chair and member of on state and national committees assisting with new member applications, as a registrar: National Vice Chair of Geneology Preservation, State Geneological Records Chair, Supporting Documentation Volunteer, Mismatch Correction Volunteer, and Descendant Project Volunteer. Congratualation to Midge state Docent Committee for Christian Waldschmidt Homestead 2016-2019. Congratulations to Debby for establishing the Clough Valley Chapter website, then receiving the National award from the VIS Committee for Clough Valley's site - February 2019 as the National DAR Website of the Month.
Congratulations to Anne, Debby, Jenna and Wanda receiving a Certificate of Appreciation from National Society Sons of the American Revolution in recognition of outstanding support to our American Service Veterans during Flag Day June 22, 2019 at the Ohio Veterans Home om Georgetown , Ohio. Lucille reading the National Defense minute at September meeting, and Tracy, Registrar giving a warm welcome to new members, guests and giving a perspective member update.
Members at September Chapter Meeting starting a new year with reports of officers and time for catching up with friends.
Debby presented a power point slide show she created on the American Constitution and a display of Constitution publications and history Each member got a DAR Constitution booklet and some for their grandchildren. While presenting Debby was surprised by her out of town Son and family including her grand kids. This was a complete surprise giving her balloons and flowers in celebration because Debby had a birthday that week. She was born on Constitution day the 17th of September.
To celebrate Constitution week, Debby and her Constitution Committee purchased posters at Fall Fun Fair and took posters labeled with Clough Valley DAR Chapter name and contact information and asked to have them posted on the large public bulletin boards at the 5 local public libraries, 3 Township Government Centers and Community Bulletin Boards at several bagel restaurants in Clermont/Hamilton county. She distributed 12 posters and encouraged libraries to have a display.
October 2019 chapter meeting was devoted to support of our active military members overseas and the importance of Care Packages" as conveyed by our speaker Diane Lawrence from Troop Box Ministries. As part of the national DAR, Day of Service members did shopping and then we gathered at our meeting, all items bought from a military care box list that was sent to members. Items included toiletries, food items such as nuts, granola bars, cookies, personal care items, books, magazines, puzzles, cards and candy and was able to fill about 15 postal boxes and paid for postage to ship to active military overseas from Diane's Troop Box Ministry family/friends list.
SAR Veteran's Day Luncheon held November 9th, with 5 DAR Chapter leaders and 3 CAR chapter leaders attending and recognized by Cincinnati SAR President Lee Wilkerson pictured with Debby Niehaus. Color guard next to displays of military memobilia from all American wars and personal family relics displayed . Clough Valley Chapter attendees were Vice Regent Debby, Shirley B. and Midge
November 2019 program "Scrapbook of Our Patriots" had three of our members sharing about their patriot and family from arriving in America, the Revolutionary War involvment and service, and how their relatives led them here by moving to or settling in Ohio. Presenters were Kathy on: NJ Pvt. PS Vincent Wainwright, Laura on: MA Pvt. Joseph Rhodes, and Paige o: NJ Pvt. Nathaniel Dunham. Chapter members found that several were also related to these patriot families.
November installation of three new members in the picture above from left to right: Registriar Tracy, Coleman, new members holding flowers and certificates are Shirley Bowers, Laura Robinson and Jenna Osborne with Clough Valley Regent Wanda Langdon and acting Chaplain Kathy Niemer. Pictured above to the right are of Tiffany Niehaus, invited guest visiting the Hopewell Chapter in November where their program was given by the docent on Fort Ancient and the Hopewell Indian tribe with relics display. The history was shared about the Indians who were mound builders, and that these are the native American Indians that the new Hopewell chapter is named after.
Members Debby and Diane decorating front hall at Christian Waldschmidt Homestead December 1st in readiness for Open House Weekend Dec. 7-8, 2019. Debby used candles along with natural decor of the times being nuts, fruit, pinecones , with homespun fabric for a table runner and as ties for tree decorations of the tree on table in first floor entryway and small upstairs tree in the class room. The stair landing window sill was also decorated . Diane, Midge, and Tiffany decorated the stairs with ribbon and pine swags. Chapter members pictured (from top) included: Tiffany, Kathy, Midge, Diane, Wanda and Debby.
"Wreaths Across America" at Spring Grove Cemetery December 14, 2019, wreaths honoring veterans buried in Civil War area and to honor living war veterans. Pictured Chapter members and "Army" wreath, one for the 7 Branches of Military Service marked with service flags and other wreaths to be laid: L-R; Judy, Debby, Tiffany, Regent Wanda, Carol, Tracy, and Wanda.
Kerry Langdon of the Cincinnati Chapter Sons of American Revolution(SAR) along with his DAR Chapter Regent wife Wanda did a moving salute to Veterans after the SAR color guard presided over the flag raising. Seven veterans who represented each branch of service placed their wreath and provided a moment of silence after saying the name of the veteran they honored. This was done by all people laying wreaths. The SAR gave a musket salute after wreaths were laid throughout the cemetery.
December 21, 2019 meeting had members reviewing activities of past month and reflecting on project of past year. The program of Julia Grant, wife of Ulysses S. Grant - portrayal after his death in 1885, was performed as in person by Joyce Lovins Browning. Joyce told us the life story of Julia with fun vignettes and also an extensive display of historical documents, books, pictures and memorabilia of President Ulysses S.Grant. Members had social time and a delicious Christmas lunch with desserts.